Forms home Priority Report it Report typePlease selectAbandoned vehicleAnti-social behaviourBenefitsBook a bulky waste collectionBroken bollardBroken street lightBusiness RatesCabinet cover open or brokenCouncil TaxDamaged lamp columnDamaged signDangerous utility worksDead animal on roadDefective bollard (illuminated)Dog foulingExposed cable on highwayFlooding/blocked drainFly postingFlytipping and dumped rubbishFull litter binGeneral repairsGraffitiGuard railHousingKerbLibrariesLitter in streetManhole coverMissed commercial clinical waste collectionMissed domestic clinical waste collectionMissed garden waste collectionMissed household rubbish collectionMissed or broken gully/drain coverMissed recycling collectionOverhanging vegetationParkingParksPaving problemPlanning and BuildingPothole in roadRental propertyRoad/ground maintenanceSchoolsSpillageUnattended site worksUntidy front gardenVehicle for sale on streetVehicle repair on streetVoting and ElectionsWater leak on highwayWeedsWorn out road markingLocationDetailsSupporting ImageAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Customer Contact Details:Name AddressPhone Email