Forms home Pollinator Pathway Step 1 of 9 11% Your DetailsFirst name (lead resident)(Required) Last name (lead resident)(Required) Address (lead resident)(Required)Find addressSelected address Organisation (if applicable) Contact Number(Required) Contact Email(Required) Street DetailsPollinator Pathway street name(Required) Total number of residential properties on the street(Required) Total number of commercial properties on the street(Required) Total number of tree pits on the street (if applicable) Describe the types of greenery on your street (e.g. tree pits, grass verges, shrub beds)(Required) Attach a photo of the types of greenery on your street(Required)Max. file size: 10 MB.Attach at least one photo of the types of greenery on your street.(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 4. Street Consultation Details It is important to talk with your neighbours about your plans to apply to become a Pollinator Pathway. This a public facing scheme and a change to the service the London Borough of Redbridge normally provide in your street. It is important that all households on your street are well informed and comfortable with the change.Confirmation(Required) I confirm that I have communicated in writing with every household on the proposed Pollinator Pathway street and have shared the email address to allow residents to raise questions and concerns with the London Borough of RedbridgeAttach a copy of your letter or leaflet here(Required)Max. file size: 10 MB.Confirmation(Required) I confirm that I have held a street meeting to which all residents of the proposed Pollinator Pathway were invited.Provide details of your street meeting here (e.g. date, time, number of attendees).(Required)Confirmation(Required) I confirm that there is a minimum of 1 in every 10 households willing to actively participate in the scheme.Number of residents committed to actively participate in the scheme(Required) First and last names of residents committed to actively participate in the scheme(Required) Agreement The aim of this agreement is to clarify roles, responsibilities, and standards for the establishment and upkeep of pesticide-free Pollinator Pathway streets. Please read carefully. Responsibilities of the London Borough of Redbridge To review this arrangement every 12 months. To carry out monitoring of the Pollinator Pathway Streets to ensure standards are being adhered to and participants are supported. To continue to carry out regular monitoring and maintenance of trees. To provide knowledge-based support to participants if and when needed. Responsibilities of the lead resident/adoptive group: To maintain their adopted street according to the guidelines included in this form. Not to make any alterations to any green or other areas of the highway without first obtaining permission from the Council. Not to claim any proprietary rights whatsoever in respect of the looked after areas. Agree to use the site only when there is sufficient lighting. To inform the Council of any incident or accident at site as soon as practicable and complete an accident/incident report in each case. Agreement I agree to adhere to the responsibilities as listed. Acceptable standards and maintenance requirements for Pollinator Pathway streets: Plant growth should be maintained to ensure the footpaths and roads are clear for users, without creating a slip or trip hazard or blocking any sightlines. Plant growth should not exceed 15cm in height, unless contained within the parameters of a tree pit. All plant growth is to be controlled ‘by hand’, manual means (no machinery or chemicals are to be used). The rate of plant growth will vary from road to road, but on average hand weeding on a 4–6 week cycle should keep the growth within the required standards. The growing season is traditionally from March to November, so it is unlikely that removal of plant growth will be required during the winter period.Acceptable levels of plant growth on the highway Unacceptable levels of plant growth on the highway Agreement I agree to adhere to the acceptable standards and maintenance requirements as listed. General terms and conditions: This agreement is non-transferable. New Pollinator Pathways must be applied for separately. The Council will not be liable for injury caused by any act of negligence, where participants have not adhered to health and safety guidelines. The lead resident shall not be paid for any of his/her services in cultivating the site on the basis that the provision of any such services is entirely voluntary. Either party can end this agreement by giving notice in writing to the other party. Where tree pits are present, the lead resident agrees to adhere to the Adopt a Tree Pit terms and conditions, listed here. The lead resident must ensure that any other residents participating in the project are aware, understand and adhere to the health & safety guidelines. All successful applications will be reviewed after 12 months. If a Pollinator Pathway Street wishes to continue for the next 12 months, contact details and any issues arising in the previous year will be reviewed and continuation of the street agreed via email. Agreement I agree to adhere to the general terms and conditions as listed. Declaration and DisclaimerDeclaration I agree to not commence any works until I have received confirmation from the London Borough of Redbridge. I agree to read, sign, and adhere to an activity risk assessment. I understand that the London Borough of Redbridge shall not be responsible for any injury, loss, damage, cost or expense caused as a result of participation and are unable to indemnify participants. Disclaimer I understand that Pollinator Pathway streets are on the openly accessible public highway and that the London Borough of Redbridge cannot take responsibility for any damage caused to them by events such as vandalism, animal urination or unlicensed pesticide spraying. I understand that Pollinator Pathway streets are removed from the London Borough of Redbridge's herbicide spraying schedule. However, I understand and accept there is a risk that accidental spraying and damage may occur. Privacy Notice If you apply to be part of the Pollinator Pathways scheme, we will securely hold your name, address, and email address for as long as it is necessary for the relevant activity or service that we provide to you, or as required by law. We will not share your information with anyone else. For more information, please visit: (opens in new window) We’d love to know Prior to applying for the Pollinator Pathways scheme, had your street adopted tree pits? How did you hear about the scheme? Redbridge Website Redbridge Social Media Internet Search Word of Mouth Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Summary {all_fields}