Forms home Commercial Waste & Recycling 1Start2Contact details3Commercial recycling changes4Other service offers5Contacting you6Summary We want to hear your views on potential future services and any other suggestions that you may have for us. Your feedback will be used when planning new services and also for improvement and development. This form is composed of four sections Section 1 asks for your contact details Section 2 is about commercial recycling changes Section 3 is about other service offers Section 4 asks how we can contact you If your concern relates to a complaint that you have regarding a service, please contact the complaints team. Your contact detailsFull name* Organisation* Postcode Email* Contact number Commercial recycling changesAre you aware of upcoming changes to legislation regarding commercial recycling and new duties for businesses around making additional efforts to separate recyclable waste?* Yes No How prepared do you think your business is in dealing with these changes?* Not prepared at all Somewhat prepared Prepared If Redbridge Council introduced a commercial recycling service, how likely is it that you would use this service?* Not likely at all Somewhat likely Very likely Other service offersDo you currently have a commercial waste contract with us?* Yes No If Redbridge Council offered evening collections for commercial customers, how likely is it that you would use this service?* Not likely at all Somewhat likely Very likely If Redbridge Council offered weekend collections for commercial customers, how likely is it that you would use this service?* Not likely at all Somewhat likely Very likely Do you have any other comments or suggestions for our Commercial Waste service? Contacting youAre you happy for us to contact you in order to provide helpful information or to obtain feedback?* Yes No We may contact you on your email address {Email:7}How can we contact you?* Email Telephone Redbridge Council is committed to processing all personal information securely and in accordance with current data protection legislation. We will retain the data you provide here for no longer than 2 years. Further information on how we process your data can be found on our website or you can write to our Information Governance Team at Summary{all_fields}