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Application for sixth form travel award

1Section A
2Section B
3Section C

  • To qualify for a School Sixth Form Travel Award, all of the following must apply:
    • Pupils must live more than 3 miles from their school
    • The pupil’s family gross income must not be in excess of £12,000 for the current financial year (except families in receipt of Income Support/Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or PensionCredit)
    • As London buses are free for students under the age of 18, the Authority will only provide support to pupils where their journey to school requires the use of British Rail Trains or the London Underground

    Students will be expected to contribute a third of their EMA funding towards their travelling costs
  • Childs details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Parent/Guardian details

  • Any award granted will be paid by cheque to the person named below. Please ensure these details are correct.

    N.B. If you don’t have a bank account, then name someone you know who can cash the cheque for you.
  • Find address
  • Full nameDate of birthSchool(s)/college(s) to be attended (if any) in September