Forms home Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan form Complete this form at least 48 hours in advance of the wedding/civil partnership/citizenship ceremony. You will need to complete a form for each person with a disability or mobility issues attending on the day.Name of person completing this form* Email* Ceremony details* Name of person with disability or mobility issues* Mobile phone number*Name of friend or family member assisting* Name of registrar or usher assigned to provide assistance* Details of disability or mobility issueAre they visually impaired?* Yes No How severe is the visual impairment?*Do they require help to evacuate the premises?* Yes No Do they have a hearing impairment?* Yes No How severe is the hearing impairment?*Do they require help to evacuate the premises?* Yes No Are they a wheelchair user?* Yes, permanently Yes, occasionally No Do they use a manual or powered chair?* Manual Powered Can they transfer from the wheelchair to an evacuation chair?* Yes, with no assistance Yes, with assistance No Are they able to get down stairs and out exits safely in an emergency?* Yes, completely independently Yes, with some support Yes, with support and evacuation chair No If the person is not a wheelchair user, what other mobility aids do they use?* Crutches Walking stick Walking frame None Are there any further impairments or disabilities that may affect their ability to evacuate the building during fire alarm activations?* Yes No Give details of these impairments or disabilities*